

The bullying is when one pupil is ill-treated for one o more pupils again and again..

Now is one thing more usual in the schools. There are cases more serious, because often the friends, or adults, don't know that the boy/girl is suffering, because she do it in silence..
And this is what no it's advisable do.

The ill-treated has five characteristics:

1. The aggression can be physical or verbal or with the relacionships..
2. There is a imbalance of power. Because the person that is suffering, usually is weak and the bad person, usually is popular.
3. The victim is no defend, and no talk with anybody of the subject.
4. The bullying is something that isn't only one day or two, is during a long time..
5. The aggressor says that he/she doesn't do nothing..

There are diferents types of ill-treated:


Direct ~> To hit, to threaten with weapons..
Indirect ~> To hide, to steal, to break.. objects or possesions.


Direct ~> To insult, to mock, to put a bad nickname..
Indirect ~> To talk bad things about someone, to concoct a rumour..

Social Exclusion:

Direct ~> To exclude, don't let participate to someone in some activity..
Indirect ~> To ignore..

There were cases very importants.. Boys and girls even to commit suicide, it's very impresionant, but it's true. People that not toletare more and pass what pass..

My opinion ..*

I'm against of the bullying.

People that do this be a mental case.. Because do this to children is very important. And it's not normal..

I don't know what's the hell that they thinking. This people, if when they're small are of this way, when they'll be adults, I don't know what will be..

Credits --> Information:, Images: Google Images

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