

Fallas is a typical celebration of Valencia. When Valencia is in Fallas, is a continuous party, because: the streets are cut and you can walk free, everynight there are night festivals, also there are concerts, people throw firecrackers.. <-- This is the city council's falla*

In reality, the day 19th of March is the day of everybody have holidays, but children in the school have holidays this day, and two or three days before that.

The 19th of March is the last day of Fallas, and is the day that every falla is burn.

The fallas (esculture) are escultures that make the artists falleros, and the last day burn, this is called "La Cremà". <-- La Cremà*

There are a small falla (for the children) and a big falla in each casal.

The casal is the place that are the falleros in fallas, where do all the dinners, and the parties, the dances..

In each casal there is a "Fallera Mayor" & a "Fallera Mayor Infantil", and the boys are the presidents.. Those persons are the more important persons in this year.

Also is the day of the "Ofrenda".. The falleros & falleras walk to the "Plaza de la Virgen" and put flowers to make a virgin. And do a route for Valencia. <-- Those are the faller@s in the ofrenda*

Every day, the falleros do a "Mascletà", this is a firecracker. And is very loud.

And one night is "La nit del foc", and do a firework display very nice. <-- This is the firework display in La Nit Del Foc*

The last years there is a problem with the prizes, because every year win the same fallas. Because some fallas, and people of those, spend a lot of money in the esculture and always are the bests. And the small fallas now haven't got emotion to win.

FallaS in

Escuela 2 ..*

In the school, we do one falla. In the Semana De (this year has been of the SOStenibility) there aren't classes, and we do activities related with the subject..

This year, we made the falla with sostinibilities things (cloths, timber, ecologic paint & things like this.) And the day before the holidays, come to the school a fireman and burn the falla..

Also, with the hose throw water and we end wets. This day is very funny!
<-- This is the falla of the school of this year*

Credits --> Me. & Images of Wikipedia.

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